Village Plan

"Our vision for the future of Pangbourne is one where the essential character of Pangbourne as a compact, caring and socially varied community in an attractive and accessible setting is sustained. The vision is to maintain Pangbourne as a pleasant, thriving village in which to live, work, shop and play, whilst not being afraid to confront and challenge the future, coping more effectively with the impact of cars and lorries on the environment of the village, ensuring a continuing bus and rail service, and promoting the needs and priorities of Pangbourne through an informed and active public.”

Pangbourne Village Plan was adopted by West Berkshire Council in March 2003 and the Committee monitors the issues and proposals of the identified actions:

To improve pavements, street lighting, road and car park surfaces
To enforce traffic and parking restrictions
To ensure continued availability of sheltered accommodation and respite care
To ensure public toilets are kept open throughout the year
To improve information services for the village
To increase Library hours of opening.
To improve the appearance of the village and make the village centre more attractive
To increase traffic calming and safety for pedestrians and reduce congestion
To assist in the extension and improvement of the Village Hall
To prepare a Village Design Statement for Pangbourne
To protect and conserve wildlife habitats in the village and surrounding countryside

An update of the Village Plan was completed in 2011. Although the majority of proposals in the original Plan have been achieved, the aim of the Village Plan Refresh is to follow-up any outstanding issues and to add further projects to an Action Plan for the future of the Village.’

Committee members:
Ms. F. Hope     |     Mrs H. Leighton Jones
