
Finance & Compliance Committee

Committee members:
Ian Walker (ex officio)
Brenda Kerr Muir
Nick Goodwin
John Higgs (ex officio)

What does it do?

It ensures that the Council and its officers conduct its business according to the high standards of probity, efficiency and transparency that nowadays are expected in every tier of local government.

The Committee’s duties are to review the financial regulations and standing orders of the Council, including all policies and procedures for the assessment and management of risk, to oversee the remuneration of the Clerk and ensure the adequacy of the Council’s insurance cover.

At an operational level, the Committee oversees and checks the accuracy of bank statements and any other financial instruments, together with contracts of employment, legal documents, compliance with safety regulations and minutes and agenda files. The Committee is also responsible for preparing a three-year financial plan and recommending an annual precept for the approval of the Council.

It also ensures full compliance with the Local Government Code of Conduct which every member of the Council is required to observe.

To access earlier minutes please contact us. Hard copies of all public minutes can be viewed at the Parish Council Office.

F&C Minutes - 28th June 2023
F&C Minutes - 4th November 2022
F&C Minutes - 26th November 2021
F&C Minutes - 22nd September 2021
F&C Minutes - 27th January 2021
F&C Minutes - 19th November 2020
F&C Minutes 22nd October 2020
F&C Minutes - 26th November 2019
F&C Minutes - 1st October 2019
F&C Minutes - 19th June 2019

Grounds Committee

Committee members:
Nick Goodwin (Chair)
John Higgs (Vice Chair, ex officio)
Ian Walker (ex officio)
Conor Roberts
Graham Child
Corinne Brewer
Maurus Rimmer
Chris Ellis

What does it do?

The Committee is the custodian and managing body of the various areas of land in the Council’s ownership, principally Pangbourne Meadow, together with the recreation grounds and facilities, allotments, the cemetery and other green spaces in our community.

It therefore ensures the regular care and maintenance of this land, including the safety of all recreational equipment and facilities. The Committee also seeks to discourage anti-social behaviour, litter and other problems which adversely affect the quality of life in our community.

Where land is held for cultivation under tenancy from the Council, the Committee ensures that the terms of tenancy agreements are observed and that rents are reviewed annually. Any resident wishing to take an allotment tenancy should contact the Clerk to the Council.

To access earlier minutes please contact us. Hard copies of all public minutes can be viewed at the Parish Council Office.

GC Minutes - 16th October 2024
GC Minutes - 22nd May 2024 
GC Minutes - 16th April 2024 
GC Minutes - 21st February 2024
GC Minutes - 22nd November 2023
GC Minutes - 17th October 2023
GC Minutes - 20th September 2023
GC Minutes - 7th June 2023
GC Minutes - 15th March 2023
GC Minutes - 15th February 2023


Committee members:
John Higgs (ex officio) (Chairman)
Brenda Kerr Muir
Ian Walker (ex officio)
Graham Child
Nick Goodwin
Conor Roberts

What does it do?

The Planning Committee meets monthly, and reports all decisions to West Berkshire Council. For decisions, please refer to full council minutes or West Berkshire Council’s Planning Portal.

The Committee and the Council have an advisory role on planning applications. They are not empowered to accept or reject any applications, which are initially sent to West Berkshire Council. The Parish Council then receives a copy of each application for comment by the Planning Committee. Pangbourne Library also gets a copy directly from WBC and will make this available for inspection by any interested party.

The Committee considers each application in the light of the current national planning framework, the Village Design Statement and any concerns or objections raised by local residents. The Committee then makes a recommendation to the full Council, which may be to support, object, or simply comment on some particular aspect of the application.

The timescale for recommendations is three weeks, during which Committee members visit the property concerned and, where possible, adjacent house owners. The short time period and the number of applications typically received oblige the Committee to meet at least once a month, in addition to the full Council meetings.

Most applications are decided by WBC’s planning department, but if ten or more Pangbourne residents object to a particular application or if our District Councillor is so minded, the application is referred to the Eastern Area Planning Committee, which is made up of WBC councillors. At these meetings interested parties may make verbal representations, usually for not more than five minutes.

To access planning applications on West Berkshire Council's website, please click here

If you have any comments for the Planning committee about an application, please contact the Clerk.


Village Hall Committee

Committee members:
Ian Walker (Chair, ex officio)
John Higgs (Vice-Chair, ex officio)
Maurus Rimmer
Chris Ellis
Jill Palfrey*
Colin Williams*

*Co-opted member

What does it do?

The Village Hall Committee is responsible for the management, maintenance and use of the Village Hall and the car park to the rear. We work to improve the safety and wellbeing of the Hall's users, the upkeep of the buildings and improvement of facilities.

To access earlier minutes please contact us. Hard copies of all public minutes can be viewed at the Parish Council Office.

VHC Minutes - 16th October 2024
VHC Minutes - 22nd May 2024
VHC Minutes - 20th March 2024
VHC Minutes - 17th January 2024
VHC Minutes - 22nd November 2023
VHC Minutes - 17th October 2023
VHC Minutes - 19th July 2023
VHC Minutes - 7th June 2023
VHC Minutes - 19th April 2023
VHC Minutes - 18th January 2023
VHC Minutes - 22nd November 2022
VHC Minutes - 19th October 2022