Mobile COVID testing

Published: 31 March 2021

A COVID mobile testing unit will be stopping at Pangbourne Village Hall (rear car park) on Tuesdays from 12.15 to 1.15pm, starting on Tuesday 13th April.

As part of the Government's plan to target asymptomatic people to prevent the spread of COVID-19, home testing kits are now available to people who live in households with children, are part of childcare bubbles, or interact with children on a regular basis (school staff, scout leaders, school bus drivers). These are available to be ordered online through but also from West Berkshire Council's four asymptomatic testing sites in Hungerford, Burghfield, Newbury and Thatcham. However, in an effort to reach a wider number of people and encourage the use of home testing, West Berkshire Council is launching a Community Collect mobile offer visiting areas across the District at the same time each week in order that residents can collect a box of 7 testing kits to be done at home.

If you have a child aged 18 or under, work with children or interact with children on a regular basis, you are entitled to collect a box of test kits. Please be advised that due to supply issues, supplies will be limited to one box per adult (possibly 2) until the demand is assessed and national supplies are fully operational. This new mobile channel is intended to supplement the other channels open to you for testing which are currently;

  • For asymptomatic testing (not displaying symptoms) at one of WBC's four testing sites – bookings can be made using, although a booking is not essential and you can walk in. This is now open to all residents. Please check the website for opening times and days of these sites, particularly over Easter.
  • Home test kits for those in a household with children or a childcare bubble - you can order online from to have a box delivered to your home address, or collect from one of WBC's four testing sites, or now from this mobile trial option.
  • Remember if you are displaying symptoms, you need to book a test through the PCR testing site here

It is important to note that even if you have been vaccinated, you may still catch Coronavirus (although your symptoms are likely be reduced) and indeed, still spread it to your loved ones so please take advantage of this free offer and make twice weekly testing part of your normal routines.

For more information on eligibility, please go to